by Sodeeq Akintoye | Dec 19, 2020 | Insights, Resources
A story to whet your appetite The story has been told of a hardworking man who, out of frustration, enlisted the aid of a sorcerer to cast out the demon he believed was stealing his earnings and making him live below the standard of those whose income didn’t hold a...
by Williams Oladele | Aug 11, 2020 | Insights, Resources
Admit it: you want to become a bestselling author or a celebrated poet. In short, you just want to get better at reaching people with your writing. The reason you write, after all, is to be heard―to share your message with a particular audience. To achieve your...
by Williams Oladele | May 24, 2020 | Insights
The greatest factor holding several creators back from doing their best work and creating more is the inordinate pursuit of perfection. The deep desire to be perfect, whatever it means to be perfect, has dampened the creative mojo of many an artist. Sadly, the thing...
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