Earlier today, I visited a family I love. While at the place, the father of the house received a call from a relative. The relative had called to break the news of the death of an older relative.

After the call, the father of the house and his dear wife reminisced on the last conversation he had with the older man that just died. It took place about two weeks ago on the phone.

He never knew it was going to be the last conversation they would have. How could he? The older man sounded so hale and hearty.

Perhaps you have had such a similar experience or know someone who has. You might be wondering about the point of my story. I’ll get to it in a minute. Death is one debt all humans owe―one which each and everyone would pay someday. What day we don’t know.

Any conversation could be the last

We never want to lose our loved ones under any circumstances. My people have an apt proverb: one does not want one’s aged to die. We never want our parents, friends or siblings to pass away no matter how old they get.

Yet, over the course of our lives, we would lose people―some old, some not-so-old. It’s a reality we have to deal with. But that’s not the major thrust of this piece. It’s something more subtle: the fact that any of our conversations with our loved ones could be the last.

This singular truth is one that most of us do not consider as we go about our lives. After all, we don’t want our loved ones to die. So why think a conversation with them could be the last? The mere thought of that is scary. Yet, it does not change the fact that it could be the case.

And this brings me to the all-important question:

Would the conversation be different if you know it could be the last? Would you still hang up in annoyance on that person or tell them to go to hell if you know that was the last time you would ever speak to them? Share on X

Would you still leave that issue unresolved if you know you might not have the chance to speak with that person again?

If you know you would never hear their voice again, would you not seize every opportunity to tell that person you care about them? Share on X

All we have is the present

Think about these questions for a moment. Ponder on the transience of life and how any one of us―the people you love inclusive―could drop dead at any time. We all need to come to the consciousness that all we have is now―the present.

Tomorrow is not guaranteed. Heck! We can’t even predict the next hour. Why does this matter? You may be wondering. Well, the reality that every minute is a gift has the capacity to change how we approach life and living. It can change the way we relate with others.

When we realise how transient life is, we’d learn to forgive quickly and let go more easily. We’d hold fewer grudges, form stronger bonds and have better relationships. I dare to say we’d be happier and live better.

So in the words of Akon in his song, Ghetto: live your life like every day is going to be the last because it could just be. Approach every conversation, especially with your loved ones, like it’s the last because it could just be. Share on X

The old adage stands true: no one knows tomorrow. So, choose to make the most of every moment and every conversation as you live your life to the fullest. Cheers.